You'll be encouraged and inspired by how the BOLT TO SUCCESS program can affect positive change in students' emotional regulation, confidence and overall performance.
Watch nowMany teachers and school administrators tend to put the welfare of the students above their own, yet this can be detrimental to one's personal health and professional life. We see it in the signs of physical health, mental stress & anxiety and in the burnout rates.
The STRESS LESS energy psychology wellness program teaches fast, easy-to-implement, evidence-based and measurable techniques that will recharge your physical and mental energy, passion and resilience benefiting both you and your students.
Many schools that are dedicated to serving their students still experience limited results. One reason for lack of academic success involves unconscious, limiting thoughts and beliefs. These self-limiting thoughts can manifest as sabotaging behavior that permeates effort and performance by "keeping it safe" and "playing small" vs. stepping up and fully showing up.
The BOLT to Success program is based on the same techniques as the Stress Less program, but implements them so as to help students identify and reframe their limiting thoughts and beliefs resulting in more confident, positive and engaged participation and performance.